Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yankee Peddler Festival

YPF is finally here, I can't believe it.  I still have so much to complete, from adjusting my business cards, putting together the educational boards to being sure I have everything needed for the first day. 

And here is my dumb behind, I took a photo of the building but can't get it to load the correct way.  So here is the pic, when I get to a real computer I will fix the photo.

Friday, September 2, 2011

ACEO's...had to try em

I have had this idea banging around my head ever since I saw some ACEO cards (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) at Peninsula Art Academy.  If I had known about these little 3.5x4.5 cards in college I would probably have a huge collection and am finding it very hard not to start nabbing up these little cute pieces of art.

What my idea is to blend this creative little outlet with another one that has me fascintated; zantangle.  I was all ways getting into a little bit of trouble doodling in school.  I still find myself doodling little people, animals, etc.. when I have some down time at work (as if that happens) or I just need to do something different from my current creative outlets.

So here is a start:  tell me what you think :) 
swirls - cant wait to make this into a scarf

 Garden flowers

Green Doodles

Friday, August 26, 2011

watching and waiting

Ever feel like your being watched?

The countdown to Yankee Peddler Continues.  Finally finished the design of the price tags.  The less yellow really makes it pop :)  I shall have to get on the other computer and post a copy of it.  I will definately redesign my card to reflect this change and then incorporate it onto my etsy page.

The "breaktime" from wet felting right now is playing with the kids and getting together my birthday swap partner's gift.  Just can't wait to get that to her:)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

playing hookie

yes that's right..although i should be felting in all my spare time, or at least while the little one is napping, I instead spent it playing with needle felting...and here is the result:

the elusive felted bee

 Having done a few of them, I am thinking that if I wet felted a few ovals it may indeed speed the process.  But then again, after a night of complaints at work, sticking a needle into some wool just might be a nice relaxing thing to do.

OK, enough play time, off to the real job and then back home to get some felting done for YPF...although, I do believe these bees might just need a little bee skep for themselves.  And please, no one show the little amigurami thief, I believe he might just go after these as well..

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Once again, too much time has passed since I have been on here to post.  I have bitten off so much, I wonder how to stay sane and then I am reminded that 1 week till Crooked River Fiber Fling and I only have a few more things to accomplich before Yankee Peddler Festival is here.

Yes, that is right, I was juried into YPF about 4 months ago.  Since I was awarded with a booth this spring and summer has been a mad dash to get as much created, sewn, and finished before the festival begins in september.  My biggest fear is that I will not have enough items (best version of my current fear) or that I will completely flop and will be left with all the stuff in boxes. 

I will begin posting more photo's of the stuff made.  Thanks to my mom, the booth space is paid, the purses are being finished with flair, and little things like a makers mark and tying on the flowers to pins are being accomplished.  I would love to know if there are any artists in this festival that do all of it themselves cause I am surely not one of those artists.