Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Once again, too much time has passed since I have been on here to post.  I have bitten off so much, I wonder how to stay sane and then I am reminded that 1 week till Crooked River Fiber Fling and I only have a few more things to accomplich before Yankee Peddler Festival is here.

Yes, that is right, I was juried into YPF about 4 months ago.  Since I was awarded with a booth this spring and summer has been a mad dash to get as much created, sewn, and finished before the festival begins in september.  My biggest fear is that I will not have enough items (best version of my current fear) or that I will completely flop and will be left with all the stuff in boxes. 

I will begin posting more photo's of the stuff made.  Thanks to my mom, the booth space is paid, the purses are being finished with flair, and little things like a makers mark and tying on the flowers to pins are being accomplished.  I would love to know if there are any artists in this festival that do all of it themselves cause I am surely not one of those artists.