Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fine Art America - come view!

So, I am trying to do a few new things every month.  I suppose you could say it is a new year's resolution of sorts, if I ever really do those in January and not 3 months after that time.

This month it is painting my living room.  Which in this house may actually take a full month because I have to move furniture and toys away from one wall, spackle - respackle - sand - spackle - sand - wipe down, and then paint 2 coats.  Move everything back, and then move to the next wall.  So my living room is looking alot like my studio space.

I did say a few new things, so the other new thing is to be a little more active on my websites and groups.  With that in mind I uploaded some of my photography onto www.fineartamerica.com.  That takes you to the full site and it can be daunting.  There is so much awesome art out there, you really need to have something in mind to search for, otherwise you will get sucked in to a time sink.  Although this time sink is filled with lots and lots of beauty! And you can pin what you like to pinterest!

So my site there is http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/heather-quinones.html.  After uploading a few new photo's I took a tour of their contests and entered a few.  Then I decided to host 2 contests - Orchid Passions, to which the public can vote on the piece they like the best (in 4 days).  Then I will, with the artist's permission, felt a piece like the winner's photo.

The second contest is truly just for fun.  Zoo Visits is just for FAA (fine art america) members to vote on but it is so easy to join and they have free membership so join!  And then enter my contests and let me know about it so I can take a gander at what you are doing.

Now I must take these small wee people who are hoarding toys and send at least one off to school.  The weeist one is stuck with me all day and I hope is completely enamored with his trains to allow mommy to get a first coat of paint on this second to last wall.

Ya, he is trouble

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