I am recovering nicely from my knee surgery. One week out and I am abe to walk, barely beat my 2yr old up the stairs, and play with adult legos. Yes, yesterday I brought this family a little closer to having an adult looking house and one more step away from the college dorm look.
With fall closing in rapidly I had to bring in my house plants. They enjoyed the lovely summer but it is now time to enter the now catless house so I promised them there will be no peeing on them this year (fingers crossed the 2yr old does not try this). To do this I had to get rid of the 2 very large boxes containing the lego sets. Might as well put those together while the hubby and 5yr old are out and all I have to contend with is the 2yr old. Famous last thoughts.
I spent 3 hrs just on the bookshelve. Rowan, dear Rowan, decided to "help" by placing all of the weird circle locking mechanisms into all of the holes they fit in, that was after he shoved as much of the broken plastic into each hole. Let the evacuation of each circle commence before locking in the bolts..sigh. Of course I am disctracted by this and proceed to put the back on backwards. So the instructions with the arrow is now on the right side. So unscrew all of those, replace, screw back in...half way through realize I have a machine that makes this faster and spend 10 minutes locating the screwdriver and a working battery. So proud of myself at this point that I carefully pull the bookcase upright and...yep, there is one of the shelves in backwards so the edge of the shelf is not glossy..ggrrr...put back down, unscrew the back again, unlock the top and 1 side, two sides for the shelf that is wrong, put shelf in correctly (checking myself), undig the circles again from industries 2yr old, relock all sides and top, rescrew (thanking god i found the electric screw driver) the back on correctly...stop to feed said industries 2yr old and wonder if I have any hard lemonade in the house but settle for organic non-alcoholic lemonade.
The tv stand went much smoother. I only tried to put the front on upside down and took about an hour per drawer. I hate drawers. I either put the rollers on incorrectly or backwards or inside out, or the supposed insert for the bottoms never line up. But it is together, Gamer hubby plugged everything back in and I feel alittle more grownup like.
Next big house project...painting. I am tried of living in a cream colored world.
To celebrate, I am ignoring the mess in the kitchen, ignoring the pile of laundery, and spinning this beautiful fiber I bought at Craft Akron a year ago.
this turning into that :)
Then I might get industrious and do a little felting.
It is now past 11pm, and besides running interferance between the kiddo's and doing a little knee therapy I got to spin :) this is the result:
Daniel has already chose the green to be a pair of socks for himself. I may be making some cowls out of the rest, maybe some mommy socks.